Medicine Disposal Products - 2019 - A review of 3rd party disposal technologies
NIOSH Hazardous Drug List – September 2016
- Current list of NIOSH hazardous drugs
Epinephrine Salts and Medicinal Nitroglycerin Acceptance States – February 2010
- A PharmWaste Technologies publication
Managing Pharmaceutical Waste - 10 Step Guide
- A 10-Step Blueprint for Healthcare Facilities In the United States - A good resoucre put out by Practice Greenhealth.
BMP for Hospital Waste
- This publication was put out by Washington State. It contains Best Management Practices for hospital waste.
Minnesota Lethal
- A good publication by the MPCA that covers the rationale utilized by PTI in determining Best Management Practices pharmaceutical waste.
Epinephrine Fact Sheet
- Prepared by Healthcare Environmental Resource Center
Glossary - Hazardous Waste
- This publication is put out by Washington State.